Accounting and Tax matters : The Basics

Accounting management, Tax advices, Managerial support

Since 1989, our firm is accredited as Chartered Accountant by the Institute for Tax Advisors and Accountants (I.T.A.A. formerly I.E.C.).

Therefore, our primary activity is the accounting management of your organisation. Since 1990, we are also accredited as Tax Consultant by the same Institute.

These two complementary competencies allow us to provide sound and customised management advices aligned with the stated objectives and support your enterprise.

We can take in charge punctual missions such as helping buying back or transferring the company ownership, the set up of proper management controls or budgeting practices (e.g. investment, cash flows, etc), risk analysis, shareholders agreements, company policies or helping with regulatory compliance such as UBO register.

Our set of services

We provide a range of services such as:

  • Company creation
  • Miscellaneous registrations and paperwork
  • Business plan, Business model canvas
  • Help with Bylaws development
  • Relationship with Notary
  • Legal publications
  • Financial plan
  • Financing model (loans, Tax shelter, Subsidies, etc)
  • Books structuring
  • Bookkeeping
  • Review/sign-off
  • VAT declarations
  • Analytic accounting
  • Balance sheet
  • Financial analysis
  • Balance sheet and annual accounts
  • Legal publications
  • Advice in Corporate laws
  • Company conversion
  • Registering and company termination
  • VAT : advices and support for tax inspections
  • Corporate taxes declaration
  • Fiscal optimisation
  • Corporate tax legislation – Evolution – advices
  • Personal income tax returns
  • Legal persons tax returns
  • Non-residents tax returns
  • Succession planning
  • Non-residents taxes in Belgium
  • Donations and gifts
  • Submission to anticipated tax rulings
  • Patrimonial taxes (non-profit ASBL)
  • Evaluation and distribution of Registration Fees
  • Preparation and assistance for tax inspections
  • Tax inspection fees insurance (Fiscal Omnium)
  • Payroll management and coordination with social secretariat
  • Payroll cost analysis
  • Employment contracts
  • Company director status assistance
  • Electronic filings
  • Payroll optimisation
  • Social status
  • Aides and subsidies
  • Management advices: end of career, outplacement
  • Coaching
  • Personal situation changes
  • Determination of company value
  • Financing search
  • Support transmission
  • Transfer convention
  • Audit and due diligence
  • Forecast and dashboards
  • Budget
  • Digital accounting
  • Customer portal
  • Secure online cloud-based accounting
  • Management report
  • Risk Management
  • FSMA investigation
  • BNB investigation
  • INS investigation
  • Others (Development strategy, Human Resources & Management, automation & Digital accounting, Environmental advices, Industry sector specifics, Supporting ‘procédure en reorganisation judiciaire’, Training assistance
  • Liquidation, mergers, demergers

Our services and expert advices


Business inception - transmission

We can assist you in the development of a ‘Business Model Canvas’ to validate the financial plan. Together we undertake a proper feasibility and profitably study for your project and can assist in evaluating the different options for a potential launch of a new activity.


You should rely on a Chartered Accountant /Certified Public Accountant to maintain and validate the financial data needed to operate you activity.

Management advices

We are competent for questions related to the different professional regulations, such as company related legislation, social and fiscal legislations, etc.

Business plan

We can help developing your business plan taking into account the business proposition while looking at the technical, financial and commercial feasibility.

Management control

We can help optimise your performance by undertaking a deep financial analysis of your operations.

Patrimonial management

Our financial advisers specialised in patrimonial and fiscal legislations can help you making the optimal decisions.

Company Transmission assistance

We can help evaluating the project and determining the funding model.

And a lot more…

Company transmission within family companies, setting-up management control procedures, cash-flow budget, analysing investment programmes, etc

Our approach

A transparent economic status leading to optimised fiscal management

In a first stance we focus on developing a global apprehension of the economic reality of your company business to allow setting up the financial procedures adapted to the specific situation. Once the project profitability is ensured, we can then focus on ways to optimise the fiscal situation considering the different applicable regulations.

Our objective is to balance the company interest with those of the shareholders/owners and the other stakeholders to ensure the long-term sustainability of the company. This also allows evaluating correctly the company and forecasting the value evolution over time.

A partnership aligned with your needs and expectations.

The first step is to meet, and exchange information related to your company and objectives. The first meeting is free of charge and is meant to evaluate if a trustworthy relationship can be established needed for the success of the collaboration.

In a second step we jointly define the needs and general framework of the expected mission. This is then formalised in a mission statement describing the rights and obligations of the two parties, the preferred communication mode, the level of e-services expected, the primary points of contact, etc.

We usually assign a primary responsible for the management of your activities with a back-up person. We also undertake regular formal reviews involving you or a responsible person, based on the needs.

Interested to learn more about our Values, Competencies and Added-Value?

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